

Reading In Armenian - Armenian Kids Club

Reading In Armenian

Reading in Armenian has many challenges. When I was expecting my first child, I immediately began my search for Armenian books to read to my future child. Some of the books were outdated in their content, some had unpleasant illustrations, some books were in Eastern Armenian, some in Western Armenian and some were lovely and amazing, but very expensive. I bought as many books as I could afford. Many parents in the diaspora face these challenges when thinking about reading in Armenian. I became obsessed with understanding the challenges and ultimately Armenian Kids Club was born to address as many of...
by Armine Hakopyan on February 04, 2020
Project Make A Friend - Armenian Kids Club

Project Make A Friend

Project Make A Friend is a Pen Pal program between Armenian children from all around the world. Through the project, we hope to answer the question, "why should I learn Armenian?" Armenian Kids Club has a mission to promote and encourage Armenian language literacy, and to connect the children of the diaspora with Armenian language, culture, and history.
by Armine Hakopyan on October 27, 2019
Vardavar: Fire hose Face Off - Armenian Kids Club

Vardavar: Fire hose Face Off

It's summertime, do you know what that means? Vardavar is around the corner. I want to share a little about the origins of Vardavar and my experience of Vardavar in Yerevan. 
by Armine Hakopyan on July 28, 2019
Avoid the Summer Slide! - Armenian Kids Club

Avoid the Summer Slide!

It’s a long way down the summer slide. Reaching the bottom can be disappointing for parents and educators. The summer slide is not a funky new dance move, it’s not even a fun slide that plops you into the pool on a summer day. The summer slide is a phenomenon, where your child's brain's elasticity actually shrinks (yikes!) because of the lack of continuous rigor and practice. Your child goes back to school in the fall, having forgotten a lot of what she/he has learned before the summer break.  We want our kiddos to soak up the sun, drink cold lemonade, play in...
by Armine Hakopyan on June 23, 2019
The One About the Crocodile - Armenian Kids Club

The One About the Crocodile

Did you hear the story about the crocodile who ate anything and everything? You probably haven’t. I made up that story one day while we were at a restaurant with three super hungry and cranky kids. (Maybe I’ll turn that story into another book.) Storytelling became our little tradition and it helped in our journey in raising bilingual kids. So here’s what happened ...  I told a silly story in Armenian and then ask my kids to tell their own stories, also in Armenian. From that day on we used any opportunity to make up a story. It was always...
by Armine Hakopyan on May 31, 2019
A Day of Storytelling - Armenian Kids Club

A Day of Storytelling

Storytelling is an ancient and vital part of what it means to be human. We are all fascinated with hearing stories, telling stories and making up new stories. Ancient man has left his mark in thousands of caves across the globe, telling the stories of their ancient worlds. Kings and warriors have been telling stories of their triumphs and conquests. Mothers and fathers have been telling their children bedtime stories before sending them off to the land of dreams.  When my children were young, we began a tradition of our own. I would tell an impromptu story, making it up as I...
by Armine Hakopyan on May 28, 2019

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