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Reading In Armenian - Armenian Kids Club

Reading In Armenian

Reading in Armenian has many challenges. When I was expecting my first child, I immediately began my search for Armenian books to read to my future child. Some of the books were outdated in their content, some had unpleasant illustrations, some books were in Eastern Armenian, some in Western Armenian and some were lovely and amazing, but very expensive. I bought as many books as I could afford. Many parents in the diaspora face these challenges when thinking about reading in Armenian. I became obsessed with understanding the challenges and ultimately Armenian Kids Club was born to address as many of...
by Armine Hakopyan on February 04, 2020
Be The Best You Can Be - Teach Your Child Armenian - Armenian Kids Club

Be The Best You Can Be - Teach Your Child Armenian

We want the best of the best for our children. That includes the most amazing cake for their birthdays, the best school for their education and our love and kisses for their souls. We invest in their future because we believe that they will be amazing leaders, educators and creators. So when it comes to giving our children part of our Armenian heritage, many of us want to give the best of that as well. However, sometimes we don’t know what that is. It may be hard because we have not fully learned the language, history or culture ourselves. We...
by Armine Hakopyan on April 09, 2019
First Steps in Learning Armenian - Armenian Kids Club

First Steps in Learning Armenian

Imagine your child grows up to become the greatest Armenian poet of all time. Their names living in the hearts of Armenians for all time. Does that sound like a fantasy? Is your own Armenian broken or non-existent? Well, it doesn’t have to be a fantasy. The magnificent Komitas didn’t speak a word of Armenian until the age of 12. All you have to do is take that first step. If you are busy and overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. That’s ok. We are parents too and in between dance and soccer practice, work and big fat Armenian...
by Armine Hakopyan on February 03, 2019

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