
Story Time at Merdinian Armenian School

by Armine Hakopyan on February 03, 2019

It is summertime and the kids at C & E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School are having a great time playing, learning, exploring and getting wet! I really wish I was a kid at Merdinian.

I did get a chance to have some fun on June 22 when Mrs. Sosi Maseredjian invited Armenian Kids Club to read stories and create some crafts. Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, we performed the Sevook Oolik story with finger puppets. We also read about the Hayk's dreams of becoming an astronaut among other things. We learned many new Armenian words together for example space տիեզերք , astronaut տիեզերագնաց and inventor գյուտարար.


After story time, the students colored Armenian themed coloring pages, created puppets of the characters from Oolik and a few brave students created their own astronaut helmets and got ready for space.  

When all the fun was over, these amazing kids helped clean up every inch of the work space. Merdinian students are just wonderful.

AKC wishes all the kids a wonderful rest of the summer until we meet again.